Ethics Policy
The CRA’s Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) follows the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research published by the National Health and Medical Research Council in conjunction with the Australian Government and the Australian Research Council.
The CRA undertakes all its research with the aim of contributing to the wellbeing of individuals and communities, irrespective of race or creed, gender or social background. At all times, the CRA seeks to use its resources justly and to conduct its research with integrity.
All research of the CRA which involves human beings is submitted to the HREC for its consideration, advice and approval. The CRA undertakes all its research with the basic ethical principles in mind of
– respect for all human beings, including respect for cultural and religious diversity;
– justice in the fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of research and in the recruitment and involvement of participants; and
– beneficence, minimising any risks of harm, discomfort or inconvenience, while maximising potential benefits of its research to participants and the wider community.
The HREC is independent of the governance of CRA and provides advice to the CRA researchers and all organisations which use this service in an independent and unbiased way, drawing on a range of pastoral, legal, psychological and research skills. The HREC seeks to assist the CRA researchers and all other organisations who use this service to do their research ethically, with the highest levels of respect for all involved.
Low risk research is assessed and may be approved by the Executive Officer of the HREC. All other research projects are examined and may be approved by the full Committee.