Occasional Research Papers
Since the 1980’s the CRA has produced a vast array of interesting research papers. Be it occasional papers, papers published in Pointers, or papers published in the Journal of Contemporary Ministry (JCM). Below you will find a set of useful links, but feel free to discuss your needs with our Research Co-ordinator Mr Stephen Reid.
Pointers can be purchased at: POINTERS
Journal of Contemporary Ministry can be accessed at: https://www.journalofcontemporaryministry.com/index.php/jcm

Models of Leadership and Organisation in Anglican Churches in Rural Australia
Philip Hughes and Audra Kunciunas

Spiritual Capital
An Important Asset of Workplace and Community
Philip Hughes

Exploring What Australian Value
Philip Hughes and Sharon Bond
with Bellamy and Alan Black

Taking Holistic Education Seriously
Philip Hughes and Stephen Reid

History and Theology of Christian Welfare in Australia:
A Review of the Literature
Rev Dr Philip Hughes

Organisation of Leadership in Rural Parishes:
Some Australian Catholic Case-Studies
Philip Hughes

A Maze or a System?
Changes in the Worldview of Australian People
Philip Hughes