Journal of Contemporary Ministry No.8 (print version)
Journal of Contemporary Ministry No.8 (print version)
The Journal of Contemporary Ministry acts as a place for reporting research and discussing issues related to contemporary ministry, including related theological and biblical questions. The Journal of Contemporary Ministry is owned and published by the CRA.
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Journal of Contemporary Ministry No.8 2023
It may prove to be one of our most controversial, or at least stimulating, issues. The articles address such current topics as child abuse, LGBTI and the church, divorce, domestic violence and debates about contemporary worship.
About this Journal
Peer Reviewed Articles
Should Actions Speak Louder Than Words? Using the Past Deeds and Present Actions of Jesus to Unlock the Evangelical Debate on Divorce
A Theological Reflection on the Parable of Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
“Tractio Divina” – A Particular Christian Spiritual Discipline: Exploring how it may Assist Embodiment and the Transformation of Trauma
A reflective reply to Clayton Coomb’s Unapologetic Apology for Megachurch Worship Practices – (and an introduction to German idealism for Christians)
Rejoinder to Bacaller’s ‘Reflective Reply’Pastoral Reflection
Discipling Kenyan Gen Z’s on Sexuality: Reflections from the Global Study on Youth Culture
Student Essays
The impact of childhood abuse and conservative church culture on the re-victimisation of women
Book Reviews
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