POINTERS March 2024: Downloadable PDF

POINTERS March 2024: Downloadable PDF


Mass Attenders’ Attitudes to the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church in Australia Part 1: Growing Dissatisfaction 1996–2016
Report on Pilot Study of Communities of Meaning & Research Seminar update
The Potential Impact of Social Welfare on Local Churches in Building Community
The Transformation of the Church State Relationship
The influence of Christian Chaplains in Sport
Recent Publications: The National Catholic Census Project

  • Description



    Mass Attenders’ Attitudes to the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church in Australia
 Part 1: Growing Dissatisfaction

    The sexual abuse crisis has been the defining issue for the Catholic Church for at least the last thirty years, since cases of abuse by clergy and religious began to attract public attention. The crisis has given rise to a vast body of literature around the world,1) yet relatively little has been written about the views of ordinary Catholics, including those who regularly attend Mass. In this article, I will investigate how the attitudes of Mass attenders in Australia to the sexual abuse crisis changed as their awareness of the extent and seriousness of the crisis grew over that period.

    Report on Pilot Study of Communities of Meaning & Research Seminar update

    A major review of literature conducted by the CSIRO in 2017 concluded that ‘enhancing the social participation of older adults is a key factor in successful ageing’ and that social participation is positively associated with mental and physical health…

    The Potential Impact of Social Welfare on Local Churches in Building Community

    The declining attendance figures in churches is widely known, as is the lack of understanding of many in the community of the value of the local church.

    The Transformation of the Church State Relationship

    The transformation of the church state relationship is examined in the context of the ethical and civil legal obligations of religious organisations arising from child sexual abuse.

    The influence of Christian Chaplains in Sport

    While it could well be argued that Australians have a passionate obsession with sport, reflected throughout our history and in society today, there continues to be a significant decline in religious activities and beliefs, as well as negatively changing attitudes towards Christianity.

    Recent Publications: The National Catholic Census Project

    The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference National Centre for Pastoral Research (NCPR) has recently released the final iterations of the popular Social Profile series based on the 2021 Australian Census

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