POINTERS December 2023

POINTERS December 2023


The Importance of Community Connections

The Australian Defence Force:
 A View from the Census

Religion in the United Kingdom

Invitation to Public Seminar: Religion and Society

  • Description



    The Importance of Community Connections

    This article explores Australian literature and databases on the community connections of older Australians and the ways in which these connections relate to a sense of meaning.

    The Australian Defence Force:
 A View from the Census

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) introduced two new questions for the 2021 Census: long-term health conditions and service in the Australian Defence Force (ADF). The second of these new additions asked whether an individual aged 15 and over had ever served in the ADF, and if so, whether in current or previous regular or reserves service…

    Religion in the United Kingdom

    Understanding religion in the UK as a whole can be a difficult task, as information is collected at different times in the four countries which make up the UK. However, the population Censuses conducted every ten years in each of the countries allow for some comparison of statistical data about religious identification.

    Invitation to Public Seminar: Religion and Society

    Friday 16 February 2024 2pm – 5pm
    Over recent years, the relationship between religion and society has changed markedly. In this secular age, most Australians no longer see religion as foundational to society. Indeed, in relation to what has arisen from the sexual abuse Royal Commission, society has taken the moral high ground.

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