POINTERS September 2022

POINTERS September 2022



Understanding the 2021 Census Figures: An Overview of the Census and Some Initial Results

On 28 June 2022, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released its first round of results from the 2021 Australian Census of Population and Housing. Undertaken in August 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, when some parts of the country were in lockdowns, the Census revealed some surprises but also some consistent trends. The population grew by just over 2 million, or 8.6 per cent. People identifying with a religious group declined by 3.1 per cent, although the number identifying with a non-Christian religion increased by 32.2 per cent while those identifying with a Christian denomination declined by 8.6 per cent.

Census Statistics Show Cultural Change Sweeping Australia

The 2021 Census data released in June 2022 is indicative of large-scale cultural change sweeping through all parts of Australia. The religious profile of Australia is weakening and between 2016 and 2021, around 2.8 million Australians decided that they would describe themselves as having ‘no religion’ rather than identifying themselves with a religion. Religious identification has ceased to have meaning for them.  

Reflections on Leadership, Monarchy and Head of the Church

There is something not right about some people being born into enormous wealth while others struggle to survive. Human beings will never be equal. We are not born equal in physical or intellectual ability. On the other hand, equality of opportunity and equality of say in governance is a basic aspiration in democratic countries.

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