Religion in the Census 2021
- June 30, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Australian culture and valuesSecularisation
It has been widely reported that the proportion of Australians who identified as Christians in the Census diminished from 52 per...

What Do People Mean When They Call Themselves Christians?
- June 27, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Australian culture and valuesReligion and values internationallySecularisation
What do people mean when they identify themselves as Christians? The meaning varies, of course. Some mean that they are involved...

The Impact of Faith on Society: Some Global Perspectives
- March 12, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Religion and values internationally
The Critique of Christian FaithThe critique of the Christian faith has become much louder and more persistent in recent years, particularly...

Local Churches and Sport
- March 12, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Church Life
Several decades ago, sport and the church existed side-by-side within many local communities. In fact, in many places, local churches took...

Christianity After Religion?
- March 12, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Secularisation
It has been suggested that some patterns of religious involvement in the USA are about 20 years behind those in Australia....

Migrant Families and Churches
- March 12, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Cross-cultural ministries
The flood of refugees from Syria is pulling at the heart-strings of the world. Many hundreds of thousands of people are...

Leadership into the Unknown
- March 12, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Christian leadership
We all make decisions that have an impact on our future. Yet, we can never be sure what the future will...

Lay Pastoral Ministry
- March 12, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Christian leadership
In many denominations, non-ordained people are involved in ministry alongside those who are ordained. Research undertaken by the Christian Research Association...

Edward Bailey and Implicit Religion
- March 12, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Religion and values internationally
Edward Bailey was a maverick in the study of religion. He was an Anglican priest who was Rector of Winterbourne, Diocese...

Environmental Concerns among Christians and Others
- March 12, 2022
- Philip Hughes
- Australian culture and values
The lyrics of Australia’s national anthem reflect the environmental uniqueness of this country. With phrases such as “golden soil”, “nature’s gifts”,...